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Comment count is 6
Ugh - 2019-03-09

well that made anthony hopkin's distant star seem like leaves of grass

Scrimmjob - 2019-03-09

He has that, if Ken Nordine were a sex pest vibe.

Scrimmjob - 2019-03-09

Also just found out Ken Nordine passed away last month.


jangbones - 2019-03-09

oh man, I am sending this to pro narrators I work with regularly, immediately

Old_Zircon - 2019-03-09

I have the vinyl original (I used to have to but I gave one away like an idiot, it's worth like $3-$5 now) and it's a completely different album, and even more horrible. 101 Strings type easy listening with even worse monologues. One of my all time favorites.

Old_Zircon - 2019-03-09

Rod McKuen was the Korn of spoken word, it's possible to make an argument in his defense but he inspired so much abominable crap that it's really unforgivable.

I'll have to digitize and upload the "Love Poems For the Very Married" 45 some day.

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