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Comment count is 8
Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2019-05-09

Dunno if I approve.
Playing their thing alongside the original video + audio is a giant crutch.
All they have to do is roughly match the overall composition of the shots.

I like the classic version of sweding where u make it all yourself and also do it all from unreliable memory, dont even re-watch the movie.

Though I guess other ways of sweding may also be permissible, I need to go do some serious thinking.

Nominal - 2019-05-10


It doesn't quite work in trailer format.

You wouldn't recognize over half the stuff if they didn't obnoxiously play the original alongside it.

RockBolt - 2019-05-10


casualcollapse - 2019-05-10

I learned a new term.. Sweded..neat

Old_Zircon - 2019-05-10


Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2019-05-10

Yeah @Rockbolt, that Jarassic park one is a classic swede of the distinguished old-school style. A swede for our forefathers to be proud of.

casualcollapse - 2019-05-11

Well I just read that You knew a guy as an acquaintance from the problem solverz which is pretty awesome. Thank you for the Spaceballs link

duck&cover - 2019-05-09

Spoon glasses.

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