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Comment count is 3
John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-07-02

This was a very early effort at a video for me, and was made by combining the image with every frame, one by one using the GIMP image editor, and it took hours and hours. Now, it would take probably take me a half hour if nothing went wrong. Of course, something always goes wrong.

I met my son when he was in his mid 20s, and when he was a woman, and I haven't seen that much of him in the last few years. What I can tell you about that is that he's a lot happier than he used to be. You can't miss that. He's an awesome dude, and I admire him a lot.

Shanghai Tippytap - 2019-07-02

alistair looks like a good boy and a doubtlessly takes after his father and brothers. in times of fear and lack of faith in the catechism it is a wonderful thing to bring life into the world and see that life energy become a forthright child of GOD and keep HIS word. we must never forget on your son alistairs birthday that a son is a great blessing to a home and i hope he will go out into the world without fear in knowing that he walks filled with the good spirit of the LORD. your brother in christ shanghaitippytap

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-07-02

Sure. Why not?

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