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Comment count is 5
Enjoy - 2019-07-03

How I discovered Wheeler Walker Jr:

A Vietnamese family was staying at my place while they were in town for a wedding. I was introducing them to everything Americana and they specifically requested country music. I loaded up a country mix Youtube channel on the 75" LCD and let it rip. As I was headed back from emptying the garbage outside, I saw this song was finishing.

Never heard of this guy and whoever programmed that country mix list on Youtube did me a real solid.

Lef - 2019-07-03

hells yes

OxygenThief - 2019-07-04

I heard him on the Never Not Funny podcast and he was so funny and charming while he alternated between playing songs and burning bridges in the music industry.

casualcollapse - 2019-07-03

My problem with country has never been with the music but with what the fucking so-called cowboys were singing about, I love this!

That guy - 2019-07-04

holy shit this is obnoxious

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