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Comment count is 4
SolRo - 2019-09-27

Wonder how historians are going to recognize all the damage Russia managed to cause to american politics and reputation by spending at most $100 million on some astroturfing and ad buys.

fedex - 2019-09-27


Anaxagoras - 2019-09-27

Well, the Russians *are* spending considerable energy & resources destabilizing our political process.

But you're right.... it's fucking absurd how much Americans love to point the finger at Russia while being unwilling to admit that we're the main cause of our own rot.

Russia's efforts wouldn't have much effect if we weren't assholes.

Shanghai Tippytap - 2019-09-28

all they did was prime the pump

the racism was already there, just beneath the surface. they just helped give it a purpose and a voice.

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