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Comment count is 7
SolRo - 2020-05-12

Seems like he did a pretty good job.

Everyone in this scene did a great job with their acting, subtle facial expressions and the like. In my option.

Also Brad Pitt seems to genuinely be a great human being despite his success and fame.

ashtar. - 2020-05-12

Apparently, the lady is a very famous Jamaican actress and Pitt did a good enough job that actual Jamaicans were pretty thrilled to hear him. Still sort of jarring, but I guess less appropriative than I first thought.

Binro the Heretic - 2020-05-12

Almost makes up for the other scene.

(You know the one.)

Lef - 2020-05-12

I don't, you got a clip?

Binro the Heretic - 2020-05-12


ashtar. - 2020-05-12

What part of The Next Place are you from?


That guy - 2020-05-15

I'll forgive anything for Clare Forlani.

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