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Comment count is 124
Pillager - 2020-05-24

Fucked doesn't begin to describe where we are.

Hazelnut - 2020-05-24

I look forward to having a President who apologizes after a mistake.

Pillager - 2020-05-24

Biden never stutters when he says something racist.

SolRo - 2020-05-24

So we should vote trump the totally not racist guy?

Or are you still so delusional that you think Bernie will be the nominee?

Pillager - 2020-05-24


Cena_mark - 2020-05-25

Biden has made fewer gaffes in his entire life than Trump made in a single press conference. But is this even a gaff? look at Candace Owens, Allen West, and David Clarke, are they worthy of carrying black cards? They may be black, but they side with white supremacy. A vote for Trump is a vote for white supremacy.

SolRo - 2020-05-25

I just want to know what the end-game is for pillager and gang.

Is it some childish hope that Biden will drop out of the race if enough of his gaffes are tweeted at him?

If it is, how to you reconcile the cognitive dissonance between ‘he’s evil’ and ‘he’s going to drop out from feeling bad’?

And are you coming up with your excuses yet, in case Biden doesn’t drop out, but you idiots worked so hard for trump that he wins another term?

Hazelnut - 2020-05-25

Personally I applaud Pillager, Cracker, Asher, and the rest for wasting all those hours cheerleading Trump here. If they'd spent that same time in a venue like Facebook they might possibly have fooled someone.

Pillager - 2020-05-25

False dichotomy much?

Biden is going through stage 3 dementia. Can't keep his hands off women & has a long sordid history of lying & racism.

Trump is a piece of shit as well & we can thank the dem's Neoliberal benign neglect of the working class for 8 years of cheeto.

SolRo - 2020-05-25

Ok mr breitbart

Pillager - 2020-05-25


https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/23/politics/joe-biden-comments-on- michael-flynn-donald-trump/index.html

I don't use right wing sites, Biden's own mangled, garbled mewlings are damning enough.

Hazelnut - 2020-05-25

I love that ‘dementia’ and ‘grabby’ are the best that the Breitbart echo chamber can come up with. Have you looked at his opponent? Next you’ll accuse Biden of having a fake tan.

themilkshark - 2020-05-25

SolRo, should young and middle aged blacks get excluded THIS TIME? You know the ones who are fucking working at the grocery store RIGHT NOW? Old black voters chose Hilary last time. They are interested in maintaining the Democrat status quo. Unless you think the Democrat status quo is amazing and perfect, you have to admit that just like old white voters, old black voters are not making the best decision for their own interests out of fear of disrupting a system that already hurts them far too much.

Pillager - 2020-05-25


Can we go for corrupt as well?

https://www.npr.org/2020/05/20/859489084/senate-committee-subp oenas-firm-with-suspected-ties-to-hunter-biden


https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-05-20/what-we-lea rned-from-leaked-biden-tapes-and-what-we-didn-t

Hazelnut - 2020-05-25

Yes, Trump cheerleaders calling anyone else corrupt for 0.00001% of the shit they’ve excused is indeed hilarious

Pillager - 2020-05-25

Biden also lied about this:

https://www.naacp.org/latest/naacp-statement-endorsement-comme nt-former-vice-president-joe-biden/

SolRo - 2020-05-25


If “young people” want their voices heard they need to go out and vote.

You don’t get to play this stupid apathetic game every 4 years where people skip the vote, lose the primary, and then raise a shitstorm about how everyone else’s vote shouldn’t count.

Say whatever you want about old people’s motives, but they’re smart enough to go vote, and that’s how you get your voice heard.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-26

>>>False dichotomy much?

>>>Biden is going through stage 3 dementia. Can't keep his hands off women & has a long sordid history of lying & racism.

>>>Trump is a piece of shit as well & we can thank the dem's Neoliberal benign neglect of the working class for 8 years of cheeto.

False equivalency much?

>>> Neoliberal benign neglect of the working class for 8 years of cheeto.

Okay, so Trump has already been reelected? Yeah, I don't need to pay attention to you any more.

Pillager - 2020-05-26

And yet you replied.

Trump won because 2016 was a Change election. The American people refused any more neoliberalism.

https://www.newsweek.com/only-3-percent-bernie-sanders-support ers-have-donated-joe-bidens-campaign-1506108

Good luck winning without us!

SolRo - 2020-05-26

You were (are) the kid that starts crying and takes his ball home the instant you start losing a game.

I know, it’s unfair how all other humans on this planet aren’t existing just to make you happy.

ashtar. - 2020-05-26

Blocking hazelnut really made this site better.

Scrimmjob - 2020-05-26

Hello gay retards, I hate you. Just wanted to chime in to say if you can't see that biden is a fucking senile retard you're fucking stupider than I thought. Is that an endorsement of trump? I'm sure you will tell me all about it, I won't be back to read it, so please all go drop dead.

Fuck you!

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-26

>>>Hello gay retards, I hate you. Just wanted to chime in to say if you can't see that biden is a fucking senile retard you're fucking stupider than I thought.

Are you saying that Biden has IQ below 70-75, which is the cutoff for retardation, because no, I'm not convinced of that.

Is that what you're saying? Are you actually saying anything?

Pillager - 2020-05-26

https://www.newsweek.com/another-biden-gaffe-former-vp-says-pandem ic-cost-us-85000-jobs-millions-lives-1504366

Are you Biden defenders really so sure that there's nothing wrong him?

He has a terrible proven history of inappropriately touching women (and younger), blatantly lying & overt racism. Now he show signs of severe cognitive decline.

He's only going to get seriously worse before November.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-26

>>>Are you Biden defenders really so sure that there's nothing wrong him? (sic)

Yeah, Pillager. We're sure there's nothing wrong with him. That's exactly what we are all saying. He is perfect. He is the perfect candidate for this, the greatest nation, on the best of all possible worlds (Jerk off sign).

Gmork - 2020-05-26

It's very telling how you refer to us as "biden defenders". I don't recall defending him. It seems like simply pointing out how much worsetrump is, objectively, than biden gets you tossed into the "dismiss" pile inside the so-called brains of trump apologists.

Pillager - 2020-05-27

The people driving around with “any functioning adult 2020” bumper stickers are now nominating a man incapable of coherent speech.

Gmork - 2020-05-28

Pillager still not understanding that his words expertly describe trump more stately than biden

Gmork - 2020-05-28

Accurately. Yay phones.

BHWW - 2020-05-24

L-l-l-l-isten up, Fat. I have an official N-word pass, my friend Corn Pop gave it to me, you all know Cornbread right, he always said to me "Everybody know me, my name Cornjob." Anyways, you ain't black if you don't vote for me, and I love the blacks, I love them almost as much as I love real humans.

Hazelnut - 2020-05-24

Saying something stupid disqualifies you from being President now? That seems a bit rich.

Because here’s a fun fact. EVERYONE says stupid things on occasions. Grown-ups apologise afterwards. Which Biden already did.

But the Trumpies have their weird ‘Corn Pop’ narrative that they’re going to push ss hard as they can, hoping we don’t notice a hundred thousand dead Americans.

Accidie - 2020-05-24

Hazelnut didn't read the description. Must be seeing too much red.

BHWW - 2020-05-25

Biden just unveiled a bunch of "task forces," none including foreign policy, which likely means he's going to bring in standard DC interventionist retreads who hope to invade several countries. His critics, especially too many of his left-wing ones, are focused on an whether he's racist.

Hazelnut - 2020-05-25

I certainly see more than Accide. But please, be my guest, keep repeating your amazing ‘Corn Pop’ memes to yourself, see where it gets you.

teethsalad - 2020-05-25

the primary is over. your choice is between biden and trump, not biden and the imaginary perfect candidate that suits you and you alone. if you genuinely think biden's foreign policy will be run worse than this administration, you're a fucking child, but, by all means, go for it

and even you were campaigning and throwing money at the bernie campaign tirelessly it's fucking stupid to throw up your hands and pout about the choices you have to make not being perfect. bunch of spoiled adult children of the motherfucking 1980's walking around this planet still thinking life is a goddamn menu

themilkshark - 2020-05-25


Democrats don't let voters choose. Republicans do.

Trump won the primary and the Republican Party let it happen and went with the candidate the voters chose

Bernie wasn't awarded Delegates fairly in 2016 due to pledged superdelegates going for Hilary before any votes were cast

California moved their primary in 2020 and Bernie went to the biggest, smartest, richest state in the country.

The Democrats used media influence and political favors to rally the entire country around the choice of old black voters, a man who once was Vice President but is not a strong 2020 Presidential Candidate and if you can't see that you're blind.

Also fuck you, you seem like a fucking asshole.

SolRo - 2020-05-25

So should old black voters be excluded next time?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-26

>>>The Democrats used media influence and political favors to rally the entire country around the choice of old black voters, a man who once was Vice President but is not a strong 2020 Presidential Candidate and if you can't see that you're blind.

So what are you saying? That it's some kind of scandal that politics played a role in the Democratic Primary?

Okay, that's an interesting perspective. You just take as much time as you need, and if you don't think you're ready to join those of us who live on Planet Earth, that's okay, honey, you don't have to.

There 's reality, and there's fantasy. The Democratic candidate is what we have to run against Trump. It's a decision that I didn't make and you didn't make. No one person makes it, and there's a whole lot of little decisions that went into it. Good things and bad things. Individual votes, and big donors. Like most of reality, No one person getes to pick it, and this is what we have. Unfortunately, but the problem is that other people live here. Some are evil, but most of them are flawed. Many of them are just plain wrong. Sorry, I didn't want to be the one to tell you.

SolRo - 2020-05-26

Bernie Bros live in some kind of perpetual delusion that winning the popular vote and the delegate count is actually stealing an election.

The reason they don’t see trump as worse than Biden is because they think like trump -‘If I didn’t win, it must be rigged!’ ‘The only way I could lose is because of a conspiracy!’ ‘I am the biggest victim in history’

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-26

>>>If “young people” want their voices heard they need to go out and vote.

>>>You don’t get to play this stupid apathetic game every 4 years where people skip the vote, lose the primary, and then raise a shitstorm about how everyone else’s vote shouldn’t count.

>>>Say whatever you want about old people’s motives, but they’re smart enough to go vote, and that’s how you get your voice heard.

In 2010, two years after the historic 2008 victory, 14 per cent of the youth vote showed up. Republicans took congress, and immediately started taking away people's health insurance. And then, they blame Obama for not doing enough for the working class.

Crackersmack - 2020-05-26

More than half the primary elections were held during a pandemic or basically cancelled outright, but yeah go ahead and stick with that "he got more votes" lie to justify Biden.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-27

>>>More than half the primary elections were held during a pandemic or basically cancelled outright, but yeah go ahead and stick with that "he got more votes" lie to justify Biden.

You're throwing around the word "lie" the same way Trump uses "hoax". Difficult circumstances notwithstanding, Biden got more votes. Therefore "Biden got more votes" is not a lie.

The 1864 presidential election was held during a civil war. Does that mean McClellan won?

Binro the Heretic - 2020-05-24

I'm sure there were a lot of Republicans who said to themselves, "I hate that I have to vote for this turd." every time Trump said some stupid shit.

Anyway, I hate that I have to vote for this turd.

At least I can comfort myself that I'm motivated by the greater good and not protecting my own hoarded wealth.

Meerkat - 2020-05-24

Or someone else's.

Binro the Heretic - 2020-05-24

Pretty sure the poor Trump voters were motivated by racism and lapped up everything he said.

Chicken the Did - 2020-05-24

Biden was saying without saying 'I am going with Amy and your ass can cope'. Biden is at the junction where he can select his Choose Your Own Adventure path. He can actually listen to PoC and not choose the WORST possible choice for vice president. Because "I could run with David Fucking Duke and you'd have to pick me because it's either that or four more years and you look like an asshat!" Is a terrible, horrible, no good very bad clapback and threat.


He can listen and it's his turn to make concessions. People made concessions and picked him as the nominee. This is not a time to double down on his pride and go with Klobuchar. Pick someone else. Anyone else but Democrat Universe Sarah Palin.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-26

Again, anyone who doesn't understand the difference between Biden and Trump is not very good at understanding things.

Crackersmack - 2020-05-26

Just imagine the reaction if Bernie had said this.

Gmork - 2020-05-28

I'm more interested in what idiotic difference you assume there would be.

Marlon Brawndo - 2020-05-24

What I want to know is at what point does the Dem establishment understand how full screwed it is when it comes to Biden's collective antics? He's corrupt as fuck and he can barely string two sentences together and these have been major complaints about Trump.

They needed name recognition. What they got was senility, casual racism, a man who repeats ridiculous identity politics talking points and the same problem Hillary had, which was...no plan whatsoever.

SolRo - 2020-05-24

Here comes the dumb neo-con with his completely unbiased assessment, given only out of his heartfelt concern for the democratic party.

Marlon Brawndo - 2020-05-24

I believe I've said this before but I used to be a liberal and I made the shift over to the conservative side because I'm a classic liberal. I believe in being fiscally conservative, and I don't consider myself a neocon so much as a moderate centrist who chose the libertarian party because neither of the other two were sane enough to support any longer (what with the never ending wars that everyone has forgotten about).

You think I'm being facetious but it really is a concern to me when radical elements in the Democrat Party are demanding that we acquiesce to batshit insane theories and demands from the SJW pantheon of bad ideas. What we need are people that aren't batshit insane or notoriously greedy running things and right now it's one of the other or both at the same time so good fucking luck with Biden. He's everything the left accuses Trump of being and he will not do anything for you because he doesn't give a fuck about you. You're not a major corporation.

SolRo - 2020-05-24

If Biden is the corporate boogie as you make him out to be than as a perforated libertardian you should love him!

SolRo - 2020-05-24

Fuck you autocorrect

Hazelnut - 2020-05-24

“ I believe I've said this before but I used to be a liberal and I made the shift over to the conservative side because I'm a classic liberal”

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA thank you I needed that.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-24

>>>I believe I've said this before

It never gets old.

Old_Zircon - 2020-05-25

"I'm a classic liberal"

Usually when people say this in 2020 they're literal ethnostaters. Soo...what are your thoughts on immigration?

ashtar. - 2020-05-26

That's funny because all the actual neocons are way on board with the Biden campaign.

There are like 12 of them and they all have columns in the Washington Post or the NYT, and this has convinced idiots who think The West Wing was a good show that there are a bunch of moderate republican voters out there who are after decency and civility and moderation and you can appeal to them if you just don't go too far left. They stand to have an outsized influence (austerity and war) on a possible Biden administration.

https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-never-trumpers-crashe d-the-democratic-party/

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-26

There are Republicans who want to stop Trump. Of course.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-24

Calling Biden out for this seems pretty legit, but can't we find someone other than WASHINGTON FREE BEACON, whose current top videos are "Inside the World's Biggest Gun Show", "Rep Richard Hudson on Gun Policy" "Inside a Girl and a Gun's National Conference" and "What it's Like Making Range Time with Stephen Gutowski"? I'm not shitting you. That's the first page of uploads, verbatim.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-24

THE WASHINGTON FREE BEACON: "Sometimes Freedom Needs a Friend"


Cena_mark - 2020-05-25

This incident reveals right wing hypocrisy on many levels, first of all, it has people who don't care about blacks being murdered by cops suddenly caring about racism, and it has them being offended by Biden's politically incorrect statement.

ashtar. - 2020-05-26

It was just the clip with the least editorial extras.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-26

But a fuckton of editorial baggage.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-24

>>> My whole point was that "resistance" libs spend massive amounts of time talking about covfefe and drink bleach stories rather than, say, covid19 rampaging through our massive incarcerated population (Biden's crime 1994 crime bill put a lot of them there, just saying), which no one seems to care about? Like, maybe the structural issues of mass incarceration, mass deportation, hollowed out healthcare and public services, and endless military adventurism the proceeded Trump (and were enthusiastically endorsed by his putative challenger) are more worthy of attention than the latest tweetstorm, and letting Trump control the news cycle and center it on himself is a big part of why he won in the first place and still maintains his approval ratings in the face of gross incompetence and corruption?

--ASHTAR 2020-5-19

Ashtar, how is this any fucking different?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-24


ashtar. - 2020-05-26

Biden and the democratic establishment taking black votes for granted is a substantive issue rather than an aesthetic one.

Yes, of course he would be better than Trump.

But what a lot of people here don't seem to get is that Biden isn't running against Trump. He's running against Staying Home. Telling people that he's entitled to their votes because the other guy is worse is not likely to motivate people to phone bank.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-26

Okay, so lying about the pandemic, spreading disinformation, plugging unfounded folk remedies, forcing out experts who aren't on board with this nonsense... this is all aesthetic? Not substantive? Do you see what you've been reduced to? Plain absurdity.

ashtar. - 2020-05-26

I didn't say any of that stuff was aesthetic?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-26

Sorry for the misunderstanding. I was confused by the words that you used, and what those words mean.

teethsalad - 2020-05-24

gee it's almost as if we live in a world of imperfect choices between sub-optimal outcomes, who knew

call me crazy but it's probably a good idea for a leader to be able to acknowledge that mistakes exist

betabox - 2020-05-24


Sadly, we live in a world where voting citizens routinely denigrate science because scientists sometimes change their positions based on the best available data.

ashtar. - 2020-05-26

Liberals say they believe in science, but they deny the Immortal Science of Marxist-Leninist Dialectics.


Cena_mark - 2020-05-25

Candace Owens isnt a real black.

Cena_mark - 2020-05-25

She sides with white supremacy every time. She's already sided with the rednecks who shot Ahmaud.

Cena_mark - 2020-05-25

Anyone who thought the murders of Ahmaud, Trayvon, Philando, Diallo, etc were justified, has no right to act offended by this. Any conservative who suddenly cares about racism because of Biden's words can fuck off.

Pillager - 2020-05-25

Candace Owens is a Black race hustler who's gulling money from conservatives.

Marlon Brawndo - 2020-05-29

Yeah I'm sure black people love to hear white people say which of them is black and which of them isn't in the name of mocking conservativism. I'm sure that makes them feel really good, to equate their race with politics in a way that white people aren't faced with.

TeenerTot - 2020-05-25

For those who seem to have an anti-Biden agenda here, I'm curious whom you actually do support. Seems to me you like Trump, since you're not engaging in any third-party campaigning, trying to start an alternative write-in type thing. So I'm curious what you ostensibly think voters should do?

Pillager - 2020-05-25

Yesterday I posted that I support Howie Hawkins & Angela Walker.

I want the Democrats to fight for the working class like FDR did.

Want my vote? Earn it.

SolRo - 2020-05-25

Ah, blind entitlement. That explains everything.

Pillager - 2020-05-25

Nobody rides for free.

SolRo - 2020-05-25

Don’t forget to tell them about the bootstraps!

Pillager - 2020-05-25

I'm more worried about Biden's adult diapers.

SolRo - 2020-05-25

Okay stormie

Pillager - 2020-05-25


Biden's the Racial Jungle one, not me Boo.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-26

Okay, so I pasted pillager's link, and it's one of those feet jobbers where they take a quote and annotate it to show you how the speaker is racist. It's valid to criticize Biden, and to make him answer for the consequences of past actions. But this form of enhanced quotation is just dumbed
-down overreaching Twitter nonsense.

If Bernie had been nominated, I would have been all in for Bernie. The status quo in Amrroca used to be compromise, and progress, compromise and progess, a long slow push over decades and centuries that went someone. We have the opposite of that now.

These guys lost, they can't deal with it, and trolling us is all they have. If they can convince us that they"re right, it will change nothing. In fact, they sort of ARE right. Did anything change when I said that? No? I suppose it was worth a try.

Crackersmack - 2020-05-26

I'm voting for Howie Hawkins because I genuinely align with the Green Party agenda and I think he's a decent representative of it.

ashtar. - 2020-05-26

What we should do:

Vote Biden if you live in a swing state, I guess. (In a first past the post system, third parties are useless. We need to take over the DNC, as Bernie realized. A protest vote in safe states is fine and good, but not really going to do much.)

Vote down ballot progressives. Support primary challengers to establishment dem ghouls, especially in safe blue districts.

Strike, riot, and march until he does the bare minimum (put Exxon, Cigna, Pfizer, and Aetna out of business/nationalize them) to have a sustainable country.

Q for Biden bros:
What are you going to do when his healthcare plan either does nothing, or serves merely to move unprofitable high risk patients from private to public pools? When he refuses to abolish ICE and keeps deporting people? When his covid stimulus is too small out of rich people's worries about inflation, and it mostly goes to corporations and the wealthy while leaving the poor high and dry? When he calls something that has less than 10% of the necessary funding a "green new deal" and continues corporate welfare for fracking? When he dronestrikes hospitals and gets us involved in yet another endless occupation?

Based on the experience of the Obama administration, the answer is "nothing," but I hope to have my mind changed.

Crackersmack - 2020-05-26

If you're voting for somebody that you know is going to continue deportations, continue murderous drone strikes against civilians, etc. how can you claim to be better than somebody that votes for Trump?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-26

Being "better than someone who votes for Trump",i.e., my own sense of self-staisfied superiority, is not that important to me.

Crackersmack - 2020-05-26

...apparently neither is addressing any of the problems that Trump has exacerbated, because Biden isn't going to do that. So why are you voting for him except to win one for your team?

TeenerTot - 2020-05-26

Cracker, I appreciate you putting your views here clearly. As for me, I think a Biden vote is "better" than a Trump vote for something you didn't mention: Supreme Court nominees. As a woman, Roe v Wade is kinda a big deal to me.

SolRo - 2020-05-26

America could have had a 5/9 (or even 6/9) liberal majority SCOTUS if the Bernie bros weren’t so entitled.

Hell, they seem to be too stupid to understand what kind of threat a 6/9 court stacked with neocon fascists will be if RBG can’t hold out another trump term.

Crackersmack - 2020-05-26

What makes you think that a Republican-majority senate would allow Biden to pick a justice?

I understand why the SCOTUS motivates people to vote for lesser-evil Democrats, it seems like an entirely justifiable position. But we're past the era where that was possible. From now on, for a Democrats to make an appointment to the SCOTUS, we will need to have a Democratic senate.

ashtar. - 2020-05-26

America could have had a 5/9 (or even 6/9) liberal majority SCOTUS if HRC hadn't boosted Trump early on because she thought he'd be an easy opponent, and then ran an grossly incompetent and uninspiring campaign, where she ran almost policy-free, and deliberately moved resources away from the rust belt states she ended up losing. But yeah, it was probably the fault of the guy who campaigned more in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin on her behalf than she did herself. Or maybe the Russians! Or Comey!

Crackersmack - 2020-05-26

...or just imagine a scenario where Obama actually put up a fight when they stole a SCOTUS seat from him.

Imagine if he did something other than *literally allowing Orrin Hatch to pick Merrick Garland by name* and then just standing there as the Republicans slapped the lunch tray out of his hands anyway.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-26

>>>>...apparently neither is addressing any of the problems that Trump has exacerbated, because Biden isn't going to do that. So why are you voting for him except to win one for your team?

Why the fuck wouldn't I want to win one for my team? I happen to like my team! A Democratic president will mean more influence for Elizabeth Warren, less for Mitch McConnell. Go team!

And see if you can follow me here; it's complicated. The problems that Trump has exacerbated will be more exacerbated byy Trump if he gets a second term. If you don't understand this, maybe I could type it again in ALL-CAPS.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-26

>>> But yeah, it was probably the fault of the guy who campaigned more in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin on her behalf than she did herself. Or maybe the Russians! Or Comey!

There's plenty of blame to go around. The main factor in the disaster of 2016 is that no one thought it could ever happen. Comey's explanation for announcing the investigation before the election ("I was living in a world where Hillary Clinton was going to be President") makes sense. CNN was happy to fill up an hour and a half of free content with a Trump rally, because they were living in a world where Hillary Clinton would be president. And millions didn't see the need to show up to the polls, because they were living in a world in which Hillary Clinton became President.

Trump's best friend was the so-called liberal media. NBC, who gave us Alec Baldwin's Trump, also gave us 14 YEARS of the APPRENTICE. Fourteen years of the bullshit creaton of Donald Trump infallible business genius. Cheap content. "We thought it was a joke.", said the producer.

And Hillary didn't reach out to the progressives in her party, because she didn't have to. She was living in a world where Hillary Clinton was going to be President.

And now we're all living in a different world.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-27

I'm on Team Ginsburg, not Team Kavenaugh. You bet your ass.

SolRo - 2022-05-24

Oh, hey. I was right.

Sucks being a pessimist who’s frequently right.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-26

That was supposed to be tweet jobbers

ashtar. - 2020-05-26

psst. hey.


you're welcome.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-26

Thanks for using Tiny URL

Crackersmack - 2020-05-26

Obama taught us that the people that the president surrounds himself with are *far* more important than what is said during the election. Biden is being advised by Larry Summers, Jamie Dimon, and Rahm Emmanuel.

ashtar. - 2020-05-26

I hadn't seen the Rahm Emmanuel thing.

"The most progressive administration in history" take is really not going to age well.

Crackersmack - 2020-05-26

"he's going to be the next FDR" will quickly turn into "he ran as a moderate and was elected by moderates" if he wins. (he won't win tho)

ashtar. - 2020-05-26

Well, we can't do big social programs or we'll lose the moderate republicans who helped us get a majority, as David Frum makes clear in this article in The Atlantic. And, anyway, these means tested tax credits for minority owned private detention centers are actuallyveryprogressivewhenyouthinkaboutit.

ashtar. - 2020-05-26

It would be hard for anyone to lose this election, but holy fuck are they trying. Biden is like the Rocky of losing. He's been training his whole life to fuck this up.

Crackersmack - 2020-05-26

As far as the establishment is concerned they already won when they defeated Bernie. They don't really care about defeating Trump because they aren't going to govern significantly different anyway. What's important is that the Wall St bailouts continue uninterrupted and we never stop any of the wars.

SolRo - 2020-05-26

Since you’re able to so clearly see the future of a Biden term then I suggest just buying all the winning lottery tickets, winning stocks, etc to the point you make bezos look poor.

Crackersmack - 2020-05-26

I'm old enough to have lived through 2006-2010 so I know how this goes, especially when Biden isn't even pretending to respect the goals of the left as Obama did. A Biden administration would accomplish right-wing goals that Republicans could only dream of.

ashtar. - 2020-05-26

Yes, looking what at he and the people around him have done for 40 years, say they want to do, and keep doing consistently is foul wizardry and we ought have no truck with it.

Crackersmack - 2020-05-26

All I need to reinforce my opposition a Biden administration is to remember how hard Obama worked to cut Social Security benefits as part of his odious "Grand Bargain" to reduce the national debt. We were only saved from those cuts by the insane intransigence of the Republicans. I don't think we'd be so lucky with Biden as POTUS.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-26

Tiananmen>>>"he's going to be the next FDR" will quickly turn into "he ran as a moderate and was elected by moderates" if he wins. (he won't win tho)

He COULD be the next FDR, simply because we're looking at the next Great Depression. He'll need a Democratic Senate.

Predicting the future is for idiots. Remember the McLaughlin group? I used to watch that show a lot when I was in college. I remember all of them but one (McLaughlin himself) predicting a Dukakis victory, and every one of them predicting that the students protesting in Tiananmen Square were going to change the world. These people did this for a living.

Biden is well ahead in the polls right now, which doesn't mean he'll win, but it does mean that your "He won't win tho" isn't based on anything other than Sugar Smacks being an asshole, or maybe a Trump supporter. Being a Trump sup[porter would make him less of an asshole.

Research the task forces. thtey may but they''re supposed to be quite progressive. I can tell you that AOC is on the Climate Change Task Force. It may just be a gesture, but simply bringing a real viable American Left into the conversation is a huge step forward. When the left is invisible, outside of maybe Democracy Now, that's how CNN gets painted as radical activists, and Barak Obama becomes a communist. When the left is invisible, the center becomes the left.

Seriously, I don't care if Biden says dumb shit. He's known for it. It's not a big revelation. What matters is he's bringing the Sanders people into the conversation, which is what Hillary didn't do, either out of arrogance or

And YES YES YES YES! Owning up to mistakes and apologizing is very different from doubling down, and saying "I was being sarcastic", or "I didn't say that." Of all the false equivalencies between Trump and Biden, this is the falsest.

Crackersmack - 2020-05-26

"aOc Is On a tASk ForCe"

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-26

Wow, that's some devestating use of the shift key, sugarsmacks!

"Very witty, Mr. Wilde! Very VERY witty!"


What I said was people who are speculating about who is going to be on the task forces should actually find out who is on the task forces, and then I mentioned the only name that I recognized and happened to remember.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-26

>>> They don't really care about defeating Trump because they aren't going to govern significantly different anyway.

You are not significantly smarter than a box of dirt.

SolRo - 2020-05-26

That’s not nice!

What did the dirt do to you?

Crackersmack - 2020-05-27

Why have "task forces" and not try to appeal to leftists by just signing on to existing leftist legislation like the GND or M4A? What's AOC gonna do on that task force? Tell them to vote for the GND?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-28

Are you asking me? I have no fucking idea.

I have always said that I would support the nominee of the Democratic party. And that's what I'm going to do, whether that nominee is Joe Biden, Bernie Sander, Tulsi Gabard or Lucifer. Obviously, you're going to do whatever the fuck you're going to do. That's where we started, and that's where we're going to end up.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-28

If Biden is nominated, then he's justified. -That's my only argument, and it's bulletproof until another candidate is nominated. The only counterargument will be if another candidate gets nominated. When that happens, get back to me.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-28

I'm old enough to have lived through 2016-2020.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-26

My God, i am so easy to troll!

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