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Comment count is 25
SolRo - 2020-05-26


Binro the Heretic - 2020-05-26

Workers are basically seen as pieces of equipment now.

cognitivedissonance - 2020-05-26

To be fair, the amount of time where they weren't was remarkably small compared to the broad arc of human history and localized to a very specific set of Western/Anglo states.

Hazelnut - 2020-05-27

True if you’re just looking at written history ie the Agricultural and Industrial ages. If you include the broad sweep of pre-agricultural “prehistory” humans seem to have been much more materially equal for most of the existence of the species.

Binro the Heretic - 2020-05-27

Archaeologists have found bones of primitive people with signs of serious debilitating injuries that would have made them less efficient or even unable to hunt or gather.

And yet they show signs of having lived for many long years after receiving the injury which could only have happened if others had taken care of them.

And those people were living in a REAL survival situation where finding enough food for everyone was literally life-or-death. They didn't live in an age where good edible food is destroyed to maintain market value.

Not giving a shit about what happens to other people, especially those who aren't as "productive" as you think they should be is a recent human phenomenon.

Hazelnut - 2020-05-27

Exactly so. It seems the advent of agriculture and then later the Industrial Revolution did really terrible thing to the psychology of hominids - especially the ones in positions of power. I only pray the next stage of advancing civilization can heal the sickness.

yogarfield - 2020-05-27

@Binro Any links? Not denying what you're saying, just curious to read more.

Binro the Heretic - 2020-05-27



And there are plenty of prehistoric human skeletons that display severe injuries that had healed. Missing limbs, broken bones that healed improperly, etc. The injuries were severe enough to take the injured out of the hunting/gathering game for extended lengths of time and even if they were able to return to it, they would have been at a major disadvantage. There was little chance they could have survived on their own.

It's a strong indicator primitive humans had no problem nursing a severely injured fellow back to health.

Cena_mark - 2020-05-27

The left wants the future to look like Star Trek, the right wants Planet of the Apes.

SolRo - 2020-05-27

It’s evolutionary.

We evolved in little tribal family units and that’s the basic limit of our selfless compassion.

We will care for our sick family members and kill outsiders competing for resources.

Hazelnut - 2020-05-27

Oh, is that your excuse now?

SolRo - 2020-05-27

Your mom

Hazelnut - 2020-05-28

Slimy coward

SolRo - 2020-05-28

Okay Tucker

Hazelnut - 2020-05-28

Ah, you got me SolRo. I'm a secret employee of Fox News. Nobody would REALLY believe anti-semitism is wrong, so that must be the only explanation.

I feel sorry for your parents.

SolRo - 2020-05-28

Okay Tucker

Hazelnut - 2020-05-28

You know you’re not insulting me, right? I’d be more insulted if a racist slimeball like you _wasn’t_ attacking me.

All I am is very, very ashamed of you.

SolRo - 2020-05-28

Okay Tucker

Hazelnut - 2020-05-28

That’s me all right. Just like Tucker. You nailed that one, Ro

SolRo - 2020-05-28

“Tucker Carlson is my role model.”


Hazelnut - 2020-05-28

Totally. Completely right.

Hazelnut - 2020-05-26

The shit-eating smirk on that guy

cognitivedissonance - 2020-05-26

he's an andy daly character

Robin Kestrel - 2020-05-27

I don’t want them demanding hay.

casualcollapse - 2020-05-27

For you Robin, I also don't care about self rating this video.

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