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Comment count is 7
Scrimmjob - 2020-06-18

Well, I guess she got her coffee after all.

Scrimmjob - 2020-06-18

This is who she's going to file a report with.


That guy - 2020-06-19

Time to make the donuts!

exy - 2020-06-19

Excellent use of the IPAIHAF tag.

First there was the neutron bomb

then came the nude bomb

but somewhere back there, someone set off the karen bomb.

The Mothership - 2020-06-19

Cheyenne, get back in the car.

Nominal - 2020-06-19

Amazing blink and you'll miss it coffee delivery at 1:10.

They even gave her a straw!

TeenerTot - 2020-06-19

5 stars for making me really sad about the state of this country.

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