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Comment count is 5
Nominal - 2020-07-27

Was doing so well, until he walked face first into Putin's and Boris Johnson's cocks.

Lef - 2020-07-27

Fantastic submission.

Two Jar Slave - 2020-07-28

Haven't watched it, but the preview image reminded me of being ten years old in the cab of my Dad's pickup, watching the neverending pines roll past the window as Dad ranted about how Mikhail Gorbachev, a person I had never heard of, has a birthmark on his face which is the Mark of the Beast and how I would "definitely" see the end of the world in my lifetime as described in Revelation (the scorpions in Revelation refer to a new type of nuclear helicopter), and how he, that is my Dad, was "most likely" put on this earth by God to shoot Mikhail Gorbachev which will kick off the end times and which is why he has to keep guns hidden in the walls of the farm house and make his own bullets and stuff, and also why he might disappear forever someday (I'll know it was for an important reason), and also why gays should be dragged naked by a tractor through a field of thistles. Can't quite remember the connection to Gorbachev on that last one, though.

SolRo - 2020-07-28

You know, maybe I was better off with my parents splitting up at an early age.

Still, fuck those well-adjusted assholes with two mentally stable parents

il fiore bel - 2020-07-28

That is... really specific.

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