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Comment count is 4
exy - 2020-12-08

I'm only hitting minute 6 here, but the premise that the global dystopian fuckjob has basically caught up with Borat-parody, despite the fact that I've seen neither film (apart from all of Da Ali G Show) seems plausible enough for my extremely precious stars

casualcollapse - 2020-12-08

You hit the nail right on the head

Mister Yuck - 2020-12-08

Lemme put this in the right place this time:

I'm gonna say it's more the times are such in the United States that even a prank character like Borat can't help but tap into the bubbling drama of the moment to produce something insightful.

Mister Yuck - 2020-12-08

I'm gonna say it's more the times are such in the United States that even a prank character like Borat can't help but tap into the bubbling drama of the moment to produce something insightful.

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