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Comment count is 8
jangbones - 2020-12-15


jk but this is a dupe


teethsalad - 2020-12-15

yeah, i submitted it without noticing it got rocketed to the front page, apologies


Lef - 2020-12-15

5 for dupe fun

casualcollapse - 2020-12-15


Cena_mark - 2020-12-16

What do you know, you dont even like FPM

Nominal - 2020-12-16

Soundtrack is obnoxious as fuck, but otherwise this looks better than John Wick.

Never got all the praise for JW. It was trying to do the long take action scenes like Hard Boiled, but the choreography and Reeves' execution of it was terrible. Jack Reacher pulled off the same thing much better.

This looks like they're going more with the Dredd approach than Hard Boiled, which is a good thing when you don't have master choreographers or an action star who can keep up the illusion over extended takes.

Two Jar Slave - 2020-12-17

The shooting in John Wick is lackluster, but I can't imagine being underwhelmed by the karate moves.

Nominal - 2020-12-17

Were there martial arts in John Wick? I honestly can't remember a single move other than "twist gun hand around". Reeves was just too stiff to pull off any kind of sustained action without massive aid from creative editing.

Contrast that to Jack Reacher, where the fights felt brutal and everyone remembers the bathroom scene.

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