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Comment count is 6
poorwill - 2020-12-19

this honestly looks sick.
idk about the menu in the toad cafe though - might be overestimating the general public's passion for mushroom-based foods.

snothouse - 2020-12-20

I think it's an easier sell to the Japanese public - Even McDonald's has a lot of mushroom-flavored options.

themilkshark - 2020-12-19

He deserves this. An artist who created joy for multiple generations gets to see his vision turned into an interactive art exhibit that's more immersive than anything ever seen before.

Merry Christmas to the 80's kids!

exy - 2020-12-19

This guy melts my icy heart

Violet Intents - 2020-12-19

"I'm Mario's dad..." Wholesome AF 5 stars for that alone. Also childhood me and adult me are marking out so hard for this place right now.

Lef - 2020-12-21

5 for Shiggy.

Not shown is the Augmented Reality ride. ***** ghost stars for that.

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