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Comment count is 3
John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-02-23

Ugh. I really fucked this up, twice. When YouTube took down my trailer I tried to get a new one up fast. This time the music is recorded twice and slightly off synch. The song is called STRANGE MOVIES , by the Troggs. Its a good song by a great old band. I'm going to fix this and when I'm sure I fixed it for real, I'm just going to post it as a music video on 73Q

Okay, here it is: I intend to host a program of mostly expurgated seventies porn on Friday night at Streamdumpster. starting at 9 PM, including the final completion of my long-running hand censored version of Ed Wood's NECROMANIA and running late with the really really unique three hour black and white WTF that is Curt McDowell's Thundercrack!

From a late night showing of my Ed Wood project with Nepotism and Crab Mentality, I've learned that watching censored porno together in the channel is fun. Watching explicit sex scenes in the channel is painful. So I'm just gonna take all of that out.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-02-23

And when I say that I'm going to take all of the explicit sex out, I mean that I will take out most of it.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-02-24

The reason why I'm doing this is I noticed from an old post on the streamdumpster forum and I realized that even a year ago, I was talking about streaming A Climax Of Blue Power.

ACOBP is a nasty bit of business from a very brief moment when porn and exploitation met in the mid seventies. I think maybe there were suddenly more porno theaters than grindhouses, and so you have obviously tacked on hardcore sex scenes added to THRILLER: A CRUEL PICTURE (AKA The Girl With One Eye) with Christine Lindberg, and a handful of movies like FORCED ENTRY, the only film Harry Reems said he regretted making, which combined scenes of graphic sex with graphic murder, and footage of the Vietnam War!

These movies are easy to hate and hard to watch. Combining scenes of brutality against women with hot seventies hardcore is unnerving. I'm sure there are men who watch this stuff unironically, without a qualm, but I always find it confrontational, in a way that you don't usually find in cinema. To the extent that I find this stuff to be arousing, it forces me to look at myself, and that's a big part of what art is supposed to do.

A CLIMAX OF BLUE POWER is a very well-made exploitation film. We've all seen brutal misogynist bad guys in exploitation movies, but this movie goes so much deeper. Eddie wants to be a cop, but he was rejected, apparently by being too unstable for the LAPD. He poses as a policeman fake-arrests prostitutes, and then he sexually humiliates them. He's not doing it for kicks, at least in his own mind. He thinks he is punishing them. And then, he happens to witness a woman kill her abusive husband in self defense, and he becomes obsessed with her. He fantasizes about her sexually, but his fantasy turns against him. She shoots him. Apparently, on some level, he's afraid of her.

I intend to stream a censored version of this movie friday evening, whether anyone is in the chat or not. You can find an uncensored version to watch for free very easily. All you have to do is turn off the safe search. Recently a much better blu-ray version was released, and its made its way to the usual sites, so you might want to look for it. Check out this gorgeous color!


Here's a review by Dante Rene. This guy's a trip! I love people who love movies!


Here's a "trailer" actually the opening credits. Totally SFW


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