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Comment count is 10
yogarfield - 2021-03-12

Hey it's Alex Jones. 5 seconds, one star.

casualcollapse - 2021-03-12

I don't give a shit, congratulations on your discerning palate

yogarfield - 2021-03-12

Not giving a fuck about a fat whiskered hemorrhoid hardly qualifies as a discerning palate. RIP AGNB.

casualcollapse - 2021-03-26

Taste is subjective ,that's my opinion, be it trash or not

duck&cover - 2021-03-12

Too much chili. Faaart!

Prosthetic_mind - 2021-03-12

Just letting people know, AGNB is no more https://www.instagram.com/p/CMNnFMOsHvg/

"I am no longer associated with All Gas No Brakes.

I no longer receive any of the Patreon crowdfunding, YouTube monetization or any other show income.

Nic and Evan, who lived in the RV and created the original show material, are also no longer involved.

We have no control over the accounts or future of the show.

When was 20, I wrote a book called 'All Gas No Brakes' about hitchhiking around America as a teenager. At 21, I pitched the idea of a video-based road show to a production company, who loaned me an RV to make videos and explore America with my best friends.

I was ecstatic, who I signed an employment contract without reading it.

Lesson learned.

Thank you for supporting me these past years. It's been the time of my life. I can't wait to show you guys what I'm doing next.

This is not the end ..

It's only the beginning to a bright, independent future for the team.

I love y'all.

- Andrew"

Lef - 2021-03-12

for the crazy editing and making AJ look even more unstable than usual, and informing us about the death of AGNB.

Had to FF thru chunks of it and watch at double speed because AJ.

casualcollapse - 2021-03-12

Yeah his new project is with Eric wareheim I believe

Gmork - 2021-03-12

why exactly do the cunt or cunts who had him sign a contract think that anything is for sale after he leaves?

casualcollapse - 2021-03-26

Correction, Tim heidecker ,his new project is with abso-lutely

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