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Comment count is 6
Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2021-03-12

I guess it was kind of clever to see the Foot soldiers tear off their ties before attacking.

Otherwise, OMG, I can now play a lazily animated cartoon from my early adolescence. What a world.

Rosebeekee - 2021-03-12

As someone who loves Turtles In Time, I can't wait to try this.

Two Jar Slave - 2021-03-12

My five-year-old and I finished Turtles in Time a couple times on a snes emulator. This will be very welcome in our house.

Nominal - 2021-03-13

I highly recommend the recent Streets of Rage 4. It's probably the best brawler out right now.

Violet Intents - 2021-03-15

SoR4 was a genuinely great surprise when it came out. Got physical copy for the Switch when it came out as I think games like that so benefit from being portable. Adored the level of detail to the environment, the easter eggs and especially the music. I'd rate this somewhere a little below part 2, but easily above 1 and 3. That said they managed to take go right beat em up combat and very much modernize it as much as you can or should with that style of play. The combo system and variety is a treat, playing as Cherry has to be my favorite of the characters and their combat.
Also marked out that they brought back Adam...now if only they would make Roger playable...

Marlon Brawndo - 2021-03-14

Is the lead singer's voice supposed to be fucking terrible?

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