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Comment count is 6
love - 2021-04-25

I ripped the audio for 'funky groove' and the wedding band version of 'America' because they are genuinely fantastic cuts.

exy - 2021-04-25

no "Hairdresser" ?!

love - 2021-04-25

better rip of funky groove: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XltSb42sYI

exy - 2021-04-25

Probably about the 5th action I'd take as high emperor of the universe would be to outlaw all TV except for local-access TV

parlagi - 2021-04-26

I don't know why the world didn't just schedule a month-long Stairway to Stardom marathon in March last year.

Rafiki - 2021-04-26

This is the best fucking thing I've seen in a long long time. How did I miss all of the related videos the first time?

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