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Comment count is 13
Chicken the Did - 2021-05-25

I still have nightmares about that crossfit accident video. Yeah... That one.

Guy does a stupid little bro-power Double Dare obstacle course. Finishes the course by triumphantly running up and power lifting as much weight as that old John Belushi 'All Drug Olympics' skit. Yeah...

Two Jar Slave - 2021-05-25

About eight years ago there was a stretch of time when I "did" crossfit, by which I mean that I printed off the daily workouts from their website and did them alone in my own affordable gym while getting occasional tips from a friend who actually went to the classes. This video is obviously low-hanging fruit, but one cliche that is all too true true is that Crossfit doesn't emphasize proper form and also sets unrealistic lifting expectations, even for beginners. I ended up with a minor back injury from deadlifting heavier than I had any business attempting, and that caused me to jump off the Crossfit wagon.

But here's the thing: for those ten or so months when I was regularly following their workouts, I really was the fittest I've ever been in my life. The workouts were as rewarding as they were insanely gruelling. Like Apple, Crossfit's culture may be obnoxious, expensive, and a bit 'consumer culty', but underneath is, unfortunately, a good product.

simon666 - 2021-05-25

The guy who started CrossFit...errr Greg Glassman, I think... started it in Santa Cruz in the 90s. I had some family that attend his CrossFit sessions at the beginning. His whole pitch at the time was "I want you when you're 64 to be able to lift something as heavy as gallon of milk above your head." That seemed pretty right on to me. Lots of exercises to increase strength and stamina.

Too bad that cultural orientation didn't stick around as it grew. Although I had some family member later in life, like post 2010, get back into crossfit after becoming quite overweight. Everyone who was super competitive was also super supportive as my family member lumbered and struggled to finish. That's pretty great.

love - 2021-05-25

well hopefully it outgrew the racism?

https://www.thecut.com/2020/06/crossfit-ceo-greg-glassman-resi gns-after-racist-remarks.html

simon666 - 2021-05-25

Yeesh. Hopefully :(

Two Jar Slave - 2021-05-25

According to that article he resigned the same week and the organization roundly denounced its founders' racist rants. So, whether or not CrossFit has outgrown racism, it certainly seems to have outgrown that dickhead.

Gmork - 2021-05-25

NOW I understand the crossfit-to-Qanon pipeline!

Gmork - 2021-05-25

(that wasn't a dig at anyone, there literally is a weird subculture of crossfitting Qanon people who try to pill people at their local gyms)

Anaxagoras - 2021-05-25

Gmork.... I non- ironically love you, dude.

Raggamuffin - 2021-05-31

I mean sure its a good product if you want to be the fittest guy in the hospital

exy - 2021-05-25

Battle ropes is still the workout regimen I am actively not getting around to doing.


Nominal - 2021-05-25

Btw, this is the guy who did the sketch that provided the audio for "Lady Dimitrescu stuck".

Nominal - 2021-05-26

Also, at its 20th anniversary, Shrek is still piss.

https://www.theguardian.com/film/2021/may/17/shrek-20-unfunny- overrated-low-blockbuster?utm_source=pocket-newtab

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