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Comment count is 4
Violet Intents - 2021-06-07

There's something absolutely delightful seeing the intrepid MTV correspondent run up on unsuspecting, drugged out of their minds celebrities. Never in. Million years nowadays would anyone working for that channel go about things like this. My favorite was Morris Days reaction at first, his surprised, cartoonishly sweaty reaction.
Also singing abilities or not, David Lee Roth is just fucking insufferable, literally nothing about him seems cool, but oh well YMMV 🤷😊

The Mothership - 2021-06-08

What a fascinating mix. Imagine being in that room. On your right, Cher and the Beastie Boys. On your left, RATT.

Old_Zircon - 2021-06-09

Rick James and probably Charlie Murphy.

The Mothership - 2021-06-11

I also love how Boy George adores the B-52s. OF COURSE he does, but you can really tell how genuinely over the moon he was just sitting next to them.

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