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Comment count is 8
The Mothership - 2021-06-29

SEE YOU AT THE PARTY RICHTER Oh shit, wrong movie.

TeenerTot - 2021-06-29

I actually died inside a little bit watching this.

mustard - 2021-06-29

The little death?

Nominal - 2021-06-29

This movie was brilliant stupidity.

If you want an 80s action movie that will actually strangle your brain, check out Tango & Cash. The most ridiculous buddy cop movie out of an already ridiculous genre.

TeenerTot - 2021-07-01

Oh, I've seen Tango & Cash. Luckily, only once. I was in high school, so was able to ignore any horrid plot/script and just look at stallone & russel.

decoy - 2021-06-29

Wow this has not aged well

casualcollapse - 2021-07-03

what does that even mean?

decoy - 2021-07-03

To my eyes, Conan, which came out 3 years before this, or Predator, which came out less than 2 years after this, still both have that rich, sumptuous, A-List, high-gloss film value and stand the test of time as great Ahnold action flix of the era; whereas this looks dated as hell. The lighting, the sets, the makeup and costume, the preponderance of cookie-cutter villains and cheesy one-liners, it's all strikingly dated, comparative to some of his other work of the period, is what I mean.

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