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Comment count is 9
ashtar. - 2021-08-04

The car's on fire and there's no driver at the wheel
And the sewers are all muddied with a thousand lonely suicides
And a dark wind blows
The government is corrupt
And we're on so many drugs
With the radio on and the curtains drawn
We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine
And the machine is bleeding to death
The sun has fallen down
And the billboards are all leering
And the flags are all dead at the top of their poles
It went like this:
The buildings tumbled in on themselves
Mothers clutching babies picked through the rubble
And pulled out their hair
The skyline was beautiful on fire
All twisted metal stretching upwards
Everything washed in a thin orange haze
I said: "kiss me, you're beautiful -
These are truly the last days"
You grabbed my hand and we fell into it
Like a daydream or a fever
We woke up one morning and fell a little further down -
For sure it's the valley of death
I open up my wallet
And it's full of blood

yogarfield - 2021-08-04

I'll full IZ here:

Shortly after Katrina I was doing some photo work with a friend down in New Orleans. We slept in my car for a few days; doing interviews with random folk. One night there was a big parade for an Italian saint, St. Joseph.

We thought it was a hilarious take because nobody we interviewed knew who the saint was, nor why everyone was going ham. Real pungent banality and chaos.

Eventually I got sick of it, and around 3 in the morning I dragged my friend out of a rave he had lucked into. He pissed on the inside of my passenger door while flipping off some Bourbon Street tourists. Shoved him in the car and started driving to New Orleans East, planning on breaking into Six Flags.

There was a burned out car half-blocking the offramp and he woke up long enough to scream a nightmarish "OH MY GOD WHERE ARE WE" before slipping back into the void.

Dead Flag Blues was playing, and it was right around "like a daydream or a fever".

yadda yadda yadda

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-08-04

Saint Joseph? I think he chased the snakes out of Italy. In this case, "snakes" means "Jews".

Cena_mark - 2021-08-04

Lebron > Michael J Jordan and this was the better Space Jam

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-08-04

But you can't deny that Michael Jordan was great in Black Panther.

Cena_mark - 2021-08-04

I wasn't talking about Muchael Jordan, I'm talking about the most overrated basketball player Micheal J Jordan

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-08-04

He played basketball?

garcet71283 - 2021-08-04

I think he means "Operated the Russian Arm".

He was great in all those marvel movies, nobody can operate that arm like Michael Jordan!

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-08-04

*Don Cheadle plays a sentient algorithm."

Well, that sounds a little cringey, but it's a cartoon movie, after all.

*His name is Al G. Rithim

Okay, I'm out.

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