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Comment count is 5
Nominal - 2021-08-08

Eh, this looks a bit light weight as far as tabletop games go. Reminds me a bit of the co-op game Ghost Stories.

Look up Gotham City Chronicles if you want to see a bloated monster. $320!

garcet71283 - 2021-08-08

I know my board game hobby is out of control but why is this here?

Rosebeekee - 2021-08-10

I’ve been wanting to get into more tabletop/board games and saw some B:TAS ones at a store. I looked them up to see how they were played and found this video. My brain shuts down each time I try to watch it. I’ve never seen a potentially fun premise look so tedious to play.

badideasinaction - 2021-08-11

The license is selling the game, not the game design.

I'll trust a game with a boring premise is inherently more likely to be good than one with a licensed one because they're not trying to wrap a bloated game in pretty wrapping paper.

Nominal - 2021-08-11


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