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Comment count is 10
ashtar. - 2021-08-10

They're both laughing about this because they're good friends.

Chuck Schumer's top campaign contributor is Goldman Sachs.

Imagine being so much of a cuck that you think this man is fighting his friend to thwart the interests of his biggest sponsor to stick up for little guys like you.

Cena_mark - 2021-08-10

Don't break kayfabe.

Lef - 2021-08-10

Related, Canadian Prime Minister Goldman Sachs really needs to go. There are zero thoughts behind that pretty face.

Two Jar Slave - 2021-08-10

Prime Minister Bankdeals has provided an even keel through the pandemic and the fucking Trump years, and if major parts of the developed world get their shit together on climate change, he'll fall in line. Sometimes you don't want big ideas in politics.

Hazelnut - 2021-08-11

I'm so glad I filtered out Crackersmak. Let me guess: he's still on his "you're not a TRUE liberal like me unless you vote for Trump" groove.

Last November must have been the worst month of his life.

casualcollapse - 2021-08-11

I see no CS but ashtar said

"They're both laughing about this because they're good friends.

Chuck Schumer's top campaign contributor is Goldman Sachs.

Imagine being so much of a cuck that you think this man is fighting his friend to thwart the interests of his biggest sponsor to stick up for little guys like you."

which I do believe

Crackersmack - 2021-08-11

I'm glad that my fan club still randomly brings me up apropos of nothing, it makes me feel special.

Nominal - 2021-08-11

Then you're a dummy.

A democrat's campaign took a contribution from a bank?
BOTH PARTIES ARE THE SAME! (vote Republican)

Crackersmack - 2021-08-11

That's an interesting scenario that you invented to mock(?) me with, two days after your majority Democrat Senate unanimously passed a resolution to strip localities of all federal funds if they 'defund the police', i.e. reduce the police budget at all.

ashtar. - 2021-08-12

Your interests and Goldman Sachs' interests are objectively incompatible.

They pay democrats to obscure this.

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