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Desc:'Horses. Are. Wankers. Horses are evil, bad, wrong and fit only to grace a Frenchman's plate.'
Category:Pets & Animals, Food
Tags:Horse, Grim, James Desborough, posh twats, stable girls
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Comment count is 4
yogarfield - 2021-10-03

Guess I'll go LJ since IZ is probably dead:

I fucking hate horses. My first job was stablehand at a middle-of-nowhere arena where rich people kept their ponce ponies.

The only one I ever liked was a gelding named something like "Cousa Down the River Gently". After a long day at work, I'd take an idyllic ride down to a pond on the property, and started to think "oh, maybe horses don't suck."

Then one morning Cousa kicked the shit out of me. Fuck horses. Bronies are hilarious to me, because dollars to donuts they've never been bucked, bitten, kicked, changed shoes or shavings. Mane mounting is probably something they've never even heard of. I'm ranting, but fuck horses and I welcome their mechanical replacements.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2021-10-03

Why is "stable girls" not a linked tag?

Hailey2006 - 2021-10-04

Somebody should introduce this guy to the K9 Aversion woman!

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2021-10-04

If you were a primitive human, you'd probably think wolves, cats, horses, hawks .. are among the most beautiful, just fukin' *coolest* animals around. And we domesticated them all, they're like our animal buddies now. That makes me happy.

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