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Comment count is 11
garcet71283 - 2021-12-08


jangbones - 2021-12-08

holy shit

Robin Kestrel - 2021-12-08


exy - 2021-12-08

Giggling motherfuckers

mashedtater - 2021-12-08

The sheer fucking fury rage this video ignites in me is beyond. He has a Go Fund me that looks like it reached it's goal and I sure hope he wins!

Gmork - 2021-12-09

Pure evil. Dogshit submitter.

Crackersmack - 2021-12-09

Gmork is fat.

Gmork - 2021-12-09

I'm guessing you think you aren't blocked. Otherwise, why bother replying?

I can see a post, just not the content.

I am not even slightly tempted to lift the veil.

The last series of replies before I finally decided to cut you out of poetv was a series of fat jokes that seemed to indicate a trend. You don't seem capable of an intelligent argument on any topic, just childish insults.

I wonder if you're still pretending to be a disenfranchised leftist instead of the conservative mouthpiece everyone can clearly see that you are?

Crackersmack - 2021-12-09

Gmork you don't see a lot of guys in their 50s or 60s that are as big as you are, do you? Does that bother you?

Gmork - 2021-12-09

still responding even though blocked

terminally online, in thrall to your ego

Crackersmack - 2021-12-09

You're so miserable because your body is dying, you organs are being crushed by the fat that you choose to surround them with, your heart struggles mightily to pump blood through your hardened, clogged arteries but it loses ground every day.

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