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Comment count is 9
Gmork - 2021-12-21

Someone at my work gets their science from joe rogan. He has little pow-wows with a few gullible people who work there in the morning break room everyone has to pass by to get into the lab, and he's always saying some stupid shit joe rogan told him and then telling people to check out various retarded conspiracy links he's sourced from whatever hellhole of a youtube channel that's been pilling him.

The gullible idiots are listening to him, too. He's starting a clique.

Word of mouth is dangerous and effective on the poorly educated.

Crackersmack - 2021-12-21

Maybe your coworkers just enjoy listening to the most popular podcast in America and discussing the varied and unusual guests featured there. People acting normal and socializing isn't a threat to you personally Gmork.

Spike Jonez - 2021-12-21

Or maybe, Crack, they're idiots guzzling at the stupid teat.

boner - 2021-12-21

Sounds like my ex-coworker is working with you now.

He also used to talk about John Wick all the time and none of us ever watched it.

SolRo - 2021-12-21

Popularity = quality

That’s why Fox News is the highest quality news channel m I rite???

Crackersmack - 2021-12-21

big fat Gmork silently staring daggers at people having an engaging discussion in the break room as he walks past them on the way to the snack machine for the 5th time today

Nominal - 2021-12-21

Why doesn't always going with the most popular choice extend to checking off the box next to 'D' at the polls?

Nominal - 2021-12-21


Queue the Tumblr version: "It's not my job to educate you"

Nominal - 2021-12-21

ah christ, now all my recommendations are popping up with non-parody Rogan, Jordan Peterson, and Julian Assange clips.

God dammit, Jack Dalton. I walk over to laugh at your video and now I've got alt-right stuck on my shoe.

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