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Comment count is 10
Nominal - 2022-01-24

The first level and end credits are a blatant Kickstart My Heart rip.

There's a couple other tracks that are insanely familiar but I cant exactly place them.

William Burns - 2022-01-24

I've been trying out a lot of random arcade roms while snowed in and this was definately a standout. Ane San for PCE-CD is another beat em up with a rockabilly soundtrack, but it doesn't play nearly a well as Violent Storm.

teethsalad - 2022-01-25

Combatribes is another good technos beat em' up, worth a look

Sengoku 2 is also pretty good

MacGyver Style Bomb - 2022-01-24

I've always been amused by how this game shows the apocalypse as more of an inconvenience than anything else.

Nominal - 2022-01-24

Girlfriends getting randomly claimed by passing mutant bikers IS a pretty big damper.

Nominal - 2022-01-24

12:00 probably being the most blatant Final Fight nod

Scrimmjob - 2022-01-25

The amount of stuff going on in the background, and attention to detail for destructable objects sets this game apart from most boring ass final fight clones. Also the rap that starts at around 8:20 is not to be missed.

MacGyver Style Bomb - 2022-01-25

Can you really call it rap if it doesn't rhyme?

Boxhead - 2022-01-25

I dunno if you can call any beat-em-up a Final Fight clone. I mean, this was an entire genre for a while.

Final Fight was just a Double Dragon clone anyways.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2022-01-25

Boris completely stole my look!!!

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