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Comment count is 6
decoy - 2022-03-05

Full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qy7sci2az88

Aernaroth2 - 2022-03-05

Man, Fox Pixar Media is getting dark.

yogarfield - 2022-03-05

Kanye is such a fucking joke.

There's another site that I won't mention, but it's equally as small of a community as here. He name-dropped it in an interview and it would be as random as if had said "I spend a lot of time on poeTV for inspiration".

We think we've narrowed down his accounts (he was constantly banned for insane rants) but he did steal a shit ton of ideas from talented artists.

Pixar Media though, I still have a standing order of a giant collabo where we all write a story together. Or just recreate the Taj Mahal video in clay.

Cena_mark - 2022-03-05

I just can't see how simping for your ex looks good for a rapper. This is Kanye's incel phase.

SolRo - 2022-03-05

Only thing more disturbing than bipolar Kanye are diehard fans of bipolar Kanye

decoy - 2022-03-05


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