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Comment count is 10
ashtar. - 2022-03-14

She is a delegate rather than a congresswoman since citizens in our capital, despite being under the direct authority of Congress and having a population higher than Wyoming, do not have any real Congressional representation.

Regardless, it's weird that we're ruled by people too old to get hired at Walmart, right?

Enjoy - 2022-03-14

I've been wondering that lately. At what point does mental decline become an issue for voters?

SolRo - 2022-03-14

Voters elected trump once and elected bush twice, the second time after he destroyed Iraq!

There is no bottom, only a perpetual abyss.

Spike Jonez - 2022-03-15

And went for Biden.

ashtar. - 2022-03-15

A fun fact I like to point out is that the emblem of the Soviet gerontocracy, Leonid Brezhnev, came to power at age 58 and died at age 75. The average US senator is 64. Trump is 74, Biden is 79, Pelosi is 81, Mitch McConnell is 80.

Meerkat - 2022-03-15

I watched my father slowly losing his mind to dementia starting around 75 and ending with his death at 84. Even with dementia he was able to park his car better than this. At 85, my Mom has also mostly lost what little competency she had to begin with but can still park normally.

My uncle is still with it and he's 95. Checked himself into assisted living and sold his house at 90. Stopped driving and sold his car at 80.

There needs to be some sort of "with it" test for anyone whose decisions may affect other people. And not just at retirement age either, if some nutcake gets elected they should have to prove they're not a nutcake.

jangbones - 2022-03-14

always good to see what the right wing fever swamps are jerking off to nowadays

Nominal - 2022-03-15

Is she bragging that she would have launched nukes against Russia?


Crackersmack - 2022-03-15

Want useable mass transit in every city in America as soon as possible? Require people over 70 to re-test for their driver's license every five years.

Robin Kestrel - 2022-03-15

She’s 84. Also…

“ Norton was married to Edward Norton, who died in 2014. “

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