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Comment count is 8
yogarfield - 2022-11-16

Christmas Vacation is the only time he was ever funny. Don't @me.

Quad9Damage - 2022-11-16

You misspelled 'Fletch.'

yogarfield - 2022-11-16

It's kind of funny how Fletch has been played by two absolute pieces of shit.

Chevy Chase.

And now Jon Hamm.

At least Chevy Chase didn't set a kids pant's on fire, drag him through the mud and then pull him around by the balls with a claw hammer.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2022-11-16

Those late night shows were so intensely boring and lame. Bunch of vapid celebrities making smalltalk. ... It's such a shame Conan wasted so much of his life doing such.

Nominal - 2022-11-16

Conan was worth watching because he was the only one to make fun of the guests.

The format was a relic of the pre-internet age. It was the only source where people could see stars talk like "normal" people, while getting sneak previews on upcoming movies.

Seven Arts/H8 Red - 2022-11-17

A failing of The Chevy Chase Show that I think people too lightly touch on is Chase wanting to do Ernie Kovacs-type shit, yet SNL backstage stories have him - for example - suggest a sketch to an openly gay cast member where an AIDS patient weighs himself. It's Chevy Chase pissing Fox's money away at some level, yet it's pretend-likeable Chase when full-on asshole Chase might have yielded a less predictable train wreck.

Quad9Damage - 2022-11-17

I like how the two worst parts of this follow one another: the singing egg face bit, which is super creepy and disturbing, and then the Goldie Hawn singing/kissing bit, which is somehow even worse.

There's a full version of this on YouTube with the original audio intact. As some commenters pointed out, there's a part after a commercial break where Chase is walking back to the set, and he can be overheard giving himself this aggressive pep-talk/tear down. "You're gonna do GREAT!" or something like that. It's an enlightening little moment, for sure. The show has been massively overhyped and he already knows it's a flaming train wreck.

Gunny McRifleson - 2022-11-17

The Goldie Hawn serenade was (I think) supposed to be mocking the Bette Midler/Johnny Carson bit on his final show. Having an actual joke in there would probably help.

It's weird that an intelligent, funny guy can so completely lack self-awareness.

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