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Comment count is 3
John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-01-01

They should have thrown in a Trump quote, just to fuck with everyone.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-01-01

Those are too easy to spot,

Binro the Heretic - 2023-01-01

People say Ye is mentally ill.

Other people say mental illness doesn't make someone racist.

They're both right and they're both wrong.

I'm reluctant to say people have a "right" to hold racist thoughts and opinions, but most of us do have them. A variety of factors cause people to have racist thoughts & opinions. Sometimes it's upbringing. Sometimes it's cultural. Sometimes it's personal experience.

Could Ye, over the course of his life, have developed racist thoughts through one or more of these factors? It's highly likely. Does that make him a racist? Maybe, maybe not. Again, most of humanity likely has racist thoughts and opinions. And again, I'm reluctant to say we have a "right" to them. But if someone has these thoughts and opinions, how do we get them to stop having them?

We can't just scoop the thoughts out of their brains. (and I would hate to see us have that power) We can, as a society, choose to harshly punish people who express them, whether consciously or subconsciously But that won't eliminate the racist thoughts & opinions they hold. If anything, there may be a blowback effect that only makes matters worse.

I believe Ye is going through a mental crisis right now. His life is out of control and he's not thinking rationally. When someone is in that situation, it stifles their internal censor and may even fuel the racist thoughts they have.

That's why Ye believes there's a big Jewish conspiracy to take his children away from him. It's nonsense, of course. A rational person can see the children's mothers are worried for their safety because their father is having a mental health episode. But in his mind, the Jews must be doing it to hurt him. His mind invents an elaborate scenario to justify this line of thinking.

Again, a rational person would know this is not the case, but it's unfair to think someone having a mental health crisis will think rationally.

So, does Ye hold racist thoughts & opinions? Certainly. Does that make him racist? Depends on if you think someone who holds racist thoughts & opinions is still a racist even when they don't express or act on them. Did Ye's mental illness make him express racist thoughts & opinions/ Oh, Hell yes. These are thoughts he's carried with him for years but did not express until he was having a mental health crisis.

So what do we do, now?

My opinion is that we should all try to get Ye to seek the mental health care he needs. I found this amusing, but it is coming at the expense of another human being and the people who care about him. It reminds me of people back in 2019 saying they hoped Trump would win because there would be lots of jokes to make. Mocking Ye for stupid shit he says about Hitler will give us some chuckles, but in the end it's no better than laughing at a mentally ill person fighting off an imaginary swarm of bees.

And what happens after Kanye finally gets some help? Should he be punished until the end of his days for the time he expressed racist thoughts & opinions when he was out of control. Even if he's back in control, he still has racist thoughts & opinions, right?

Also, I'm sure some wise-ass is going to make a shitty remark about how this post was too long so they didn't read it. but I've got a little more to say so to them let me just say, cram a sock in it. As little as you may care about what I have to say, people care even less about what you have to say about what I have to say. You're sardonic response is like the words "fuck you" scratched into the paint of a lamppost. At most, you are background noise.

Anyway, I'm not Jewish. I have zero right to tell any Jew offended by Ye's remarks and actions how to feel about or respond to them or the man who said them. However, if you are Jewish, I would hope you find it in your heart to forgive him if he apologizes and encourage others to do so. He will still be able to rebuild his career whatever you say or do. The question you have to ask yourself is what audience do you want him to pander to?

Also, Kate Micucci was in one of the best episodes of "Guillermo Del Toro's: Cabinet of Curiosities" on Netflix. It's an anthology horror series reminiscent of Rod Serling's "Night Gallery." Some episodes are weak, but Micucci's episode "The Outside" is deeply unsettling and fits the definition of horror perfectly. Check it out if you can and haven't already.

Also, Riki Lindhome is in the Netflix series "Wednesday" which is better than I think anyone thought it would be. It's a "dark" teen drama "Riverdale" style about Wednesday Addams of the Addams Family going off to a creepy boarding school and getting wrapped up in mystery & romance. It's a whole lot of stupid fun.

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