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Comment count is 9
love - 2023-01-03

I think it was my favorite star trek? like not on first run, but over time.
Whatever, this and TNG were really uneven but great when averaged out.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2023-01-03

Cisco is being a total dickhead here imo. He seems to personally blame Picard for being taken over by the borg. That's a childish way to view things and not befitting of a captain of starfleet imo.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2023-01-03

Also you know he's just like that cus the writers wanted a dramatic scene with some tension.

This highlights my main issue with DS9.. DS9 had a big budget and they hired the most expensive / "best" TV writers. The problem is all those fancy TV writers were drama writers and not sc-fi nerds.

DS9 is probably a better written show then TNG but its more of a drama / soap opera than a star trek show.

Nominal - 2023-01-03

Especially considering that the point of his wife dying in the Big Bad Beetle Borg Battle thanks to Possessed Picard is never, ever relevant again. His wife could have died in any other manner, or simply separated, and it wouldn't have affected a thing about his struggling single father background.

They just wanted some clumsy drama bomb to tie the very first (and risky) Star Trek spinoff show to the main series.

My issue with DS9 is, no matter how well the story was written, I couldn't stand ANY of the starfleet characters.

jfcaron_ca - 2023-01-03

It had better characters, better long plot arcs (because of a change in TV series styles at the time, not specific to DS9), better effects, but the melodrama is at times unbearable. I'd rather have cheesy technobabble BS with the Enterprise flying away at the end with no consequences than some stupid shit where someone is jealous of a new boyfriend or whatever.

Nominal - 2023-01-03

The writers that gave us O'Brien & Keiko's marital strife...

duck&cover - 2023-01-04

I wanted Cisco and Picard to have an adventure together, so that Cisco would forgive Picard and they could be buddies.

Callamon - 2023-01-06

I heard Cisco is showing up in Picard S3. Too bad there's no way to ever know if that's true.

Bisekrankas - 2023-01-06

I liked the odo/quark dynamic and basically every single line by Kai Winn, also Gul Dukat was great, except at the end.

As for the starfleet charcters I agree, although I did like bashinr/obrien/worf in ds9.

And the jem hadar/dominion plotlines was really good

Overall I like this way better than TNG, in which the only starfleet characters I actually liked was data, picard and barclay

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