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Comment count is 9
yogarfield - 2023-01-16

Obligatory "fuck Vermin Supreme".

Gmork - 2023-01-16

What'd he do? Haven't heard any drama around him

ashtar. - 2023-01-16

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot being worn as a hat on a human face— forever.

Gmork - 2023-01-16

Oh you mean the fake spiel he gives about what he would do if elected? That's a joke about politicians, as is his entire schtick
Has he done anything that indicates it isn't satire? Or did I miss something he said recently that made it seem like his schtick was not a schtick? I'd d interested to see it.

yogarfield - 2023-01-18

When you peel back the layers of these political stuntmen, they're libertarians.

Vermin's not quite as bad as our local variant named GoodSpaceGuy. Same type of cynical clog in the political artery, but is tilting towards Trumpism.

themilkshark - 2023-01-16

this government crap! fix it! come on! whaddya waitin for slowpoke!

ashtar. - 2023-01-16

The other song, "Beast Congressman" is probably better. Unfortunately they're all designed for TikToc so they're chopped up into little bits and the whole video isn't on youtube.

The actual plan (https://upgrademycountry.org/orientation/) is just amendments for term limits and getting rid of the electoral college. Pretty reasonable, but there is zero chance of getting amendments passed in the foreseeable future.

casualcollapse - 2023-01-17

Or, you know, follow his advice at the end of this video and pay for Spotify you freeloader

ashtar. - 2023-01-17

I can't submit that to poetv.com

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