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Comment count is 2
Sludge Vohaul - 2023-02-12

1) Is this room for comp sci or CAD?
1A) Regardless of the answer to 1) why is there a neon sign on the wall?
1B) Why would a high school computer lab have a Van der Graaff generator?
1C) What was Luke Perry doing with 1B and how did he remain unnoticed?

2) Where did the jocks come from? It's established that the hallway is behind them yet they come in from screen left, presumably walking past Luke Perry in the process from some unknown inner room.

3) Why is Jason Priestly studying in the programming/CAD lab when it is so poorly lit?

4) Remember when Luke Perry was originally pitched as a tough guy?

5) Remember when Scott Scanlon was showing off with a gun and accidentally killed himself?

6) I am totally guilty of wearing my hat like that and taking special care to comb my bangs out in the 90s

Juice Eggs McKenna - 2023-02-13

Compared to Jason Priestly, Steve Zizou and Brian Austin-Green Luke Perry was Macho Man Randy freaking Savage.

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