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Comment count is 7
casualcollapse - 2023-04-25

don't get your news anywhere but tiktok folks, at least if you disagree you are disagreeing with a real person,

exy - 2023-04-25

the intentional frowning so they don't crack up is worth a good few stars

the thought of a Candidate Carson rising from these ashes is pretty fucking terrifying, though

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-04-25

You can see them looking to each other how to react, and then they all decide to be somber.

Crackersmack - 2023-04-26

He's not going to run for office. He'll do a Glenn Beck and make his own thing that has much less viewership but nets him way more money.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-04-26

It's pretty clear that the Republican party is going through some kind of death spiral. What's less clear is whether or not the US as we know it will survive. Part of the death process is going to be increasingly terrifying candidates. If Tucker Carlson wants to be president, he might get the nomination, but I honestly think that his contravention speech would scare the bejeezus out of everyone.

And why would he want to be president? Why would ANYONE want that?

People say that Trump won the nomination in 2016 because of an overly crowded field, but I would argue that the real issue was a dearth of inspiring candidates. If Herman Cain hadn't inspired the Herman Cain Award on Reddit, I wouldn't remember his name.

Accidie - 2023-04-26

Cable news is just brain rot.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-04-26

Fox News is the highest expression of the conservative worldview. They believe in "the wisdom of the market", and since the market rewards rage, slander, and lies, that became Fox News's business strategy, to the extent that when they broadcast accurate information about the vote in Arizona, it became a conservative scandal that threatened their market share. The decision to go all in on the Big Lie was dictated by the market, which, it turns out, is not always wise.

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