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Comment count is 8
Binro the Heretic - 2023-05-06

So ducking adorable.

Mother Lumper - 2023-05-06

I love ducks. If they had bowel control I'd keep one indoors and spoil it.

decoy - 2023-05-06

Apparently they defecate every 15 minutes and don't posses sphincter muscles. That said, 'How to Potty Train a Duck': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYbvhPHPC98

Binro the Heretic - 2023-05-07

As a boy, Errol Flynn liked to feed a duck a lump of pig fat tied to a spool of string.

Soon, the duck would pass the lump of fat, still tied to the string and another duck would eat it.

He would build long trains of ducks in this manner.

Mother Lumper - 2023-05-08

My favorite part about ducks is that they rape.

Sludge Vohaul - 2023-05-06


decoy - 2023-05-06

And they match dude's. Even has the same velcro straps.

Nominal - 2023-05-07

The new generation of dude who goes to parties with a rat on his shoulder.

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