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Comment count is 14
Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2023-08-25

Upon further inspection I reckon this youtuber might be a bit of a crackpot.
However, the argument seems sound.

Reminds me of the fact that the reason westerners, have overbites, need braces and have wisdom teeth issues is cus our jaws dont grow to the correct, large enough, size. As the jaw grows in response to chewing when you are a baby, and western babies dont chew enough tough foods.

love - 2023-08-25

weird, I watched this a few weeks ago hunting for wide toebox shoe recommendations. I became really active again last fall and am repeatedly destroying my metatarsals, which are apparently made of pasta.

barefoot shoes sound like fucking agony to me.

Lef - 2023-08-26

After fracturing a metatarsal and a heel stress fracture, started taking vitamin d3 (and k2) to help strengthen bones. I get plenty of calcium in my diet, it just wasn't going in the right place.

Amos - 2023-08-26

Have you tried Altras? I have stupidly wide feet and they're about the best I've found.

love - 2023-08-30

ha, didn't see this, but ordered a pair of altras

ashtar. - 2023-08-26

I'm going to call Hippie Bullshit on this.

ashtar. - 2023-08-26

Either that or this is a long con and he's just a foot fetish guy who wants to see more feet in public.

radiosquido - 2023-08-26

I think a lot of the problems with our bodies is that we just live too long. We evolved to survive in a world where we all died by 30. Now on average we live into our 70s. So of course our feet, knees, backs, hearts, hell even our brains just go to shit. We use devices and drugs and procedures to mitigate the problems. We brush our teeth with fluoride and get back surgery. We wear shoes.

ashtar. - 2023-08-26

Yeah, if something wouldn't prevent you from having kids at age 19, there's not much selection pressure to weed it out of the genetic code.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2023-08-26

@Radiosquido.. in *medieval times* you had average age of 30, cus peasants lived in appalling circumstances. But in the evolutionary environment, like hunter gatherers, people would have died young from war and disease, but otherwise could easily live to 70 or 80 and be very healthy. Thats the case with modern stone age hunter gatherers in papua new guinea for example, unless something specifically kills them, they live in perfect health until very old and dont get cancer of suffer from heart problems.

@Ashtar there is selection pressure on genes that express traits when people are finished having kids.. Humans are not loners, we're social animals. An old woman will share genes with her younger relatives, she can benefit them by working, helping to raise children, pass on her wisdom etc. This will benefit the tribe and tribes with those genes will be more successful, have a bigger population and this spread the genes.

ashtar. - 2023-08-27

I'm by no means an expert, but I'm not just making this up.

Raggamuffin - 2023-08-26

If you want to see some real sicko shit that shows the extremes of what shoes can do, google pictures of Lebron James's or other long time basketball player's feet. Years of squished feet + high impact does some real damage.

I started wearing barefoot shoes a few years ago and don't ever want to wear anything else. The flat heel helped my tight hamstrings and achilles, and the toe room + lack of padding has caused me to finally start developing a natural arch in my feet.

Advice: 1. You have to take it really really easy at first, especially if you run on hard surfaces. It takes a while to get used to that. 2. If you a trail runner, I don't recommend Vibrams. The toe separation means no stub-toe protection and will fuck you up when you hit rocks.

I have the Vivos instead, and I think they're great. Don't bother with Feyues. People call them barefoot shoes, but they are basically just Vans.

Lef - 2023-08-26

Flatter shoes with no heel and a wide toe box were the only thing that fixed my foot tendonitis. Dr's kept telling me to rest, two years of limited physical activity was useless.

Changed shoes and it was fixed almost overnight. I still have a couple pairs of the five finger vibrams. I've hiked mountains in them, really comfortable, but the stares and comments are real.

ashtar. - 2023-08-28

I've worn heavy leather boots my whole life and had zero foot problems. Maybe you guys are just weak.

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