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Comment count is 4
Adjuvant - 2023-11-30

Man, Portal 2 was so much fun. Recently found it in the Switch store and replayed it after more than 10 years. Still great.

Maggot Brain - 2023-11-30

Don't know how to feel about this show knowing how it ends.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2023-12-01

You mean cus..
1. The ending is a meme and its spoiled it for you?
2. You've read the comics?

1. Its a good show, watch it anyway. The other plotlines going on are really good, in fact one of the secondary plotlines I much prefer to the main one (which is what's features in those memes) tho main plotline is fine also.

2. The show doesnt follow the comic 1:1 afaik.

yogarfield - 2023-12-01

The show doesn't, and I expect it to veer really far from the source material. It's really good.

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