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Comment count is 7
Binro the Heretic - 2023-12-31

I love that the GOP has painted itself into a corner.

"How do I accuse the Democrats of being the party of slavery without also acknowledging that America still needs to answer for slavery?"

Dance, you fools, dance.

Cena_mark - 2023-12-31

She spent her whole career in South Carolina defending the Confederate flag. She opposed removing it from the state capitol grounds, and even after the Charleston Church shooting made so that they pretty much had to remove it she still bemoaned the decision and said the flag was good, just that Dylan Roof and the media made it look bad.
I lived in Charleston at the time of the shooting and would pass the church and the piles of flowers and cards on my way to the library. Cowards like her contributed to that.

Cena_mark - 2023-12-31

It blows my mind that she made this gaff in New Hampshire of all places. I've never been there, but I assume it's a proud Yankee state where the Republicans probably don't watch Dukes of Hazard or fly confederate flags. I've been to Upstate NY many times, haven't seen much of the crap either.

casualcollapse - 2023-12-31


John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-12-31

One reason why Republicans love Trump is that the rest of their politicians are so very very uninspiring.

Cena_mark - 2024-01-01

She is so milquetoast.

Quad9Damage - 2024-01-03

Trump's supporters have gotten a taste for a candidate who "tells it like it is." Anyone who isn't swearing at a dangerous dictator via social is now too much of a 'RINO' and doesn't have what it takes to fight the ever-worsening woke commie infection.

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