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Comment count is 7
yogarfield - 2024-01-03

Scott Adams has always been a dull, racist, ignorant dipshit that can't draw to save his life.

He's also bragged about how he can't understand high school level evolutionary theory, and isn't quite sure about the whole Holocaust thing.

There's so much more, but the funniest about him will always be plannedchaos.

He's so stupid and old that he thought nobody would suss out that sock puppet, especially when it was all "Scott Adams is so smart and you couldn't possibly understand him."

An actual quote was "he has a certified genius IQ".

The dude's a moron.

casualcollapse - 2024-01-03


BiggerJ - 2024-01-04

Scott Adams is indeed a piece of shit.

An observation: Dilbert contains three self-inserts.

Dogbert is Scott the Holy Spirit, the active avatar. Pure scum and proud of it.

Dilbert is Scott the Son, the mundane human avatar. He is constantly beset be problems and annoyances he has no way of stopping. (People don't join the alt-right when they feel they're in a good environment.)

The World's Smartest Garbageman is Scott the Father, the most powerful avatar. The character's concept is that he is the smartest person alive, if not ever; his reason for being a garbageman has been stated to be so unfathomably clever that nobody can understand it but him. (See: the fourth line of yogarfield's post.)

yogarfield - 2024-01-04

5 for this holy breakdown.

Also if you have some downtime from work and think "eh I want to be a child again and troll".

He has a livestream that he runs from his trash-ass kitchen. Picture an idiot old man trying to seem relevant while keeping up with a livechat.

If he sees enough "PLANNEDCHAOS", he becomes the human manifestation of a 56k modem.

casualcollapse - 2024-01-04

where is this stream of sadness, twitch??

Potter - 2024-01-06

BiggerJ, do you know about his novels? Religion War and God's Debris? Because that's basically the cast.

yogarfield - 2024-01-05

He does "Real Coffee with Scott Adams". You can find it on youtube, but trust me it's not worth your time.

It's just a geezer drinking coffee in some junk kitchen, pontificating about shit he's too old to begin to understand. It's funny maybe once?

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