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Comment count is 3
Gmork - 2024-03-13

Putin: "no really guys I'm gonna use the nukes why aren't you scared"

Does anybody wanna tell him?

Nominal - 2024-03-13

There might be a nazi hiding in Sweden. Better let fly the missiles.

Binro the Heretic - 2024-03-13

I remember a comedy sketch where everyone in a small rural town carried a small nuclear bomb at all times, the thought being the fear of nuclear bombs kept everyone in line.

And then a junkie held up a store clerk with a gun. The clerk made it clear that if he was shot, he would drop the bomb which would go off and blow up the robber along with half the town.

The robber laughs and begins to empty the register.

The clerk threatens to manually set off the bomb.

The robber cackles as he grabs the last of the cash.

The clerk swears he will set off the bomb.

The robber laughs as he runs out the door.

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