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Comment count is 3
johnnyhamhock - 2007-07-20

Man I thought this was another shitty Konami in-house song created for Beatmania. This makes me respect Konami so much more

gmol - 2007-07-21

+5 stars for having a video where a taxi drives over some guy's foot

dementomstie - 2008-04-17

Dr. Bombay! I love this stupid guy! Basically, if I can remember correctly from my friend Timm this guy is Swedish and he's a rapper who raps to techno music that he writes also known as the closest thing to a rapper as Sweden can produce, and he paints himself brown and sings about being from India in really offensive but stupid therefore not offensive ways, but comes off as offensive more often than not. I have to find out if there's a video for "Girlie Girlie" or "SOS(Tiger Ate My Family" now.
And yes, it is offensive, but he means it to be dumb and silly. Last I heard he was doing stuff in a kilt and calling himself Dr. Scott.

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