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Comment count is 8
Jimmy Labatt - 2007-07-29

Grandmasta Flash would be proud.

I'd like to know what Mr. Bowtie was doing in the clink.

Jimmy Labatt - 2007-07-29

Quick LA trivia: the operator responds as 'operator 187'. 187 is the code for HOMICIDE. Gangsta all around.

bopeton - 2007-07-29

I hope this happens to me when I am in prison.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2007-07-29

Twan is pretty cute.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-07-29

The great thing about this video is that it's like a prologue to his work on Law & Order: SVU!

nocash - 2007-07-29

You're thinking of Ice-T.

Ice Cube produced the first Del the Funky Homosapien albums and then he was in Are We There Yet.

The McK - 2007-07-31

I like the continuity between this and "Today Was A Good Day". Plus, a great song.

Horsecock Johnson, M.D. - 2007-12-10

The Boondocks reminded me there are kids out there who don't know that Ice Cube was once a St. Ides guzzlin' gangsta rapper.

Also, no Das Efx tag?

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