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Comment count is 14
zatojones - 2007-10-18

What I remember about this show: cool intro. horrible, horrible content

FABIO2 - 2007-10-18

Five of the gayest robots ever pool their strength to combine and form an average transformer.

Twin lesbo-bots were hot though.

TrafficCone - 2007-10-18

Am I wrong, or does the girl in pink need help from a toddler to do her job? Or is that her kid?

Aelric - 2007-10-18

i really, really wanted to see that little shit in the copilot seat die a gooey death.

theSnake - 2007-10-18

Even the anime fags are making fun of this? Its funny because this is what I saw when a friend of mine once tried to show me clips of Cowboy Bebop and Trigun.

K Clobber - 2007-10-19

high five

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-10-18

The main villain for this show was a giant, ethereal space vagina. Despite this, it was a very bad show.

Xenocide - 2007-10-18

They should have just rammed their rocketship right into the bad guy, then.

BHWW - 2007-10-18

It was a decent show, for the time and place. Not the best show, even then I thought but still better than a lot of the crap on the air. A mildly interesting footnote in animation.

Also, the evil many-eyed intelligent supercomputer or giant cybernetic vagina or whatever did get blown up in what turned out to be the final episode, which is a plus in my book.

I'm betting this Caminante fellow doesn't like it because it doesn't revolve around 12-year old magical girls with tea saucer-sized eyes and panty shots. (Ha, I kid of course...or do I?)

Blank_Slate - 2007-10-18

I'd always wondered what did happen to the main villain. Thanks for saving me a trip to Wikipedia.

Blank_Slate - 2007-10-18

wow...I use to watch this show all the time when I was a kid. In fact my dad recorded a few episodes onto a VHS tape for me. I still have the tape to this day. If it weren't for that VHS tape, no one would ever believe me that this show even existed.

K Clobber - 2007-10-19

Youtube has rendered you obsolete.


K Clobber - 2007-10-19

I always wanted to see Crunch fight Trapjaw from He-Man.

Xiphias - 2007-10-19

someone's tired of cartoon intros (that person is me)

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