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Comment count is 6
Sean Robinson - 2007-10-27

A fantastic effort by my favourite Republican - hacky as hell sex jokes, a Neil Hamburgerish delivery and clear nervousness, and he still hit it out of the park.

Maybe old Jews just are funnier.

baleen - 2007-10-27

So who won first place?

Sean Robinson - 2007-10-27

A fucking ringer - Joseph Randazzo, Assistant Editor of the Onion.

Although, as shitty as the Onion has gotten...

baleen - 2007-10-27

A lot of this stuff is ancient Jewish humor of the Henny Youngman variety, which is great (the Moses joke and the cyanide joke, for instance). You're spot on with the Neil Hamburger delivery.

futurebot - 2007-10-27

If FNC had just put this up on repeat instead of the 1/2 Hour News Hour, people would have watched.

eatenmyeyes - 2007-10-27

I think he stole a joke from Alf.

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