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Comment count is 8
Thundercougarfalconbird - 2007-12-13

yeah i know it's a dupe, but it was in the hopper 3 days before Xiphias submitted it to the front page.

mouser - 2007-12-13

That is precisely the movie I dont want to see.

snothouse - 2007-12-13

Now I'm convinced John Goodman needs to make "Paper Mario: The Movie". (Tagline: "In 2008, thin is in.")

Frank Rizzo - 2007-12-13


ashtar. - 2007-12-13

If you sold your soul to the devil to get riches and fame, this movie would be the sinister catch. You'd come home one day and Satan is sitting in your big english leather chair, smoking, and he'd be like "Well, I've kept my end of our little bargain. Now, it's time to discuss your payment. I'd like you to make a little movie for me... (dramatic pause) A LIVE ACTION SPEED RACER MOVIE!!! MUAHAHAHAH" And you'd be all like "Oh god, what hath I wrought?" and then you'd fall to your knees, weeping for the abomination that you must now foist upon the innocent public.

Also, -1 Million stars for not using the Devo song.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6g1N5NSjcg (bad quality, sorry)

DMKA - 2007-12-14

Oh dear god...

Pie Boy - 2008-11-10

this movie was fucking awesome

WHO WANTS DESSERT - 2011-03-12

This is one of the best movies of the decade.

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