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Comment count is 4
SolRo - 2007-12-17

didn't notice that audio on part 2 was out of sync so badly, you can find a good version at

http://www.stage6.com/user/harper2007/video/1858691/The-Second -Renaissance-PT-2

FABIO2 - 2007-12-17

Like a self parody of heavy handed anime symbolism.

SolRo - 2007-12-17

oh noes, only live action can be heavly symbolic!

Most of the matrix has a crapload of symbolism in it, isn't it amazing how an animated short about the matrix does too? Who would have guessed?

SolRo - 2008-03-25

sent up a working, properly synced youtube version, can also find higher definition version on the animatrix website (yes, they're still keeping it up)

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