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Comment count is 25
FISTFULLofSOUL - 2008-02-14

Right on!!...we need to set up a legal defence fund for this guy...

sosage - 2008-02-14

He should have never backed away from the door...it was an ok strategy until Working Man Joe got out of the car.

Udderdude - 2008-02-14

I haven't been to digg.com in about a week, but I wouldn't be surprised at all to go there and see this on the front page.

baleen - 2008-02-14

Serious crackas.

ProfessorChaos - 2008-02-14

Remember the "Start a Fight and Lose" scene from fight club?
This clip needs the music from that scene.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-02-14


Monchiles Monchiles - 2008-02-14

You want me to keep filming?

Smellvin - 2008-02-14

The little cell phone cameras have to be a positive boon for the courts by making many decisions that much easier.

Adham Nu'man - 2008-02-14

To be fair, from what metalniggahoodie dude is saying, it sounds like brucespringsteenfan actually started with the road rage, and then pussied out when he came to face him directly. Either way, we win.

Charles - 2009-12-16

I noticed that too, but wiggaboy is clearly the one who stepped out of his vehicle to escalate the confrontation, either way.

Torture the Artist - 2008-02-14

kinda seems like metalhead cap-popper took a flop when he got slugged because he saw the police were there. either way, the cop telling him to shut the fuck up is a nice touch.

zatojones - 2008-02-14

When starting a fight it's bad form to throw a punch and then stop paying attention to your opponent.

racetraitor - 2008-02-14

Did Orangeshirt try to kick Hoodie through the car window??

1394 - 2008-02-14

idiots abound

IrishWhiskey - 2008-02-14

I love how the guy can't even properly pronounce "road rager"

enki don't - 2008-02-14


Dinky Patterson - 2008-02-14

That kid behind the camera is either a complete dullard or he's just bored because things like this happen all the time with his father. Either way he did a good job by not really saying anything.

Jeff Fries - 2008-02-14

The center of vocal resonance for a New Jerseyan seems to be the roof of his mouth.

Cheese - 2008-02-14

I doubt this is in New Jersey, not from their attitudes, they line right up, but from the accents. While South Jersey has some random redneck drawls, they are nowhere near as thick as the ones all three of these guys have.

hornung - 2008-02-15

i think that's my neighbor sean, we went to high school together.

A Jumping Spider! - 2008-02-15

ooh ooh hooh AHH AHH AHH



and other assorted chimpanzee noises

athodyd - 2008-02-20

I love the mid-Atlantic accent. It's like angry birdsong.

Alektorophobic - 2008-03-06

They almost sounded Cajun to me.

Charles - 2009-12-16

Cop: "What the hell you doin' beatin' on this nice car??"

oogaBooga - 2010-03-17

What the fuck? A cop when you need one?

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