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Comment count is 24
Jeff Fries - 2008-02-17

Art student wants in

Cinnamon Imperialist - 2008-02-17


Cinnamon Imperialist - 2008-02-18

There we go

Baldr - 2008-02-18

I know that we've entered the era of transparency and everything, but being caught on tape twice in a row doing this sort of thing, requires a special sort of asshole.

Gwago - 2008-02-18

Seriously. At this point I think he needs his own tag.

theSnake - 2008-02-18

Fuck the paperwork, collect bodies, split heads...
Split 'em wide.
The Western District way.

Frank Rizzo - 2008-02-18

small penis syndrome!!!!!

Dinky Patterson - 2008-02-18

Roachbud could kick that police vehicle further than Officer Rivieri did the artist's toy.

Adramelech - 2008-02-18

Something so fucking horrible happened to this guy when he was a teenager.

Evilhead - 2008-02-18

Probably has something to do with not being a dude.

Frank Rizzo - 2008-02-18

he's not a dude! dont call him that!

Blank_Slate - 2008-02-18


sosage - 2008-02-18

Maybe he just doesn't like seeing another car with more horse power driving on his turf.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-02-18

Heeeeere he iiiiis, the biggest douche in the uuuuuniverse.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-02-18

This guy deserves every ounce of misfortune that comes his way.

Hugo Gorilla - 2008-02-18

Officer Rivieri doesn't believe in art for art's sake. He suggests it keeps moving.

Calamity Jon - 2008-02-18

Worst episode of The Wire to date.

grimcity - 2008-02-18

I hate art students as much as the next guy, and as a skateboarder, I already hate Mr. Golfcartcop, so this vid gets fourteen stars and a gold necklace.

oregano - 2008-02-18

To serve and protect!

EvilHomer - 2008-02-18

He beats up skaters AND art fags? What's not to love?!

Comrade Admiral - 2008-02-22

I swear to God, I'll pistol whip the next guy that says 'shenanigans!'

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-07-26

I can't wait to hear more about Salvatore, The No-Nonsense Meter Maid. Specifically, more about his arrest, after the imminent spiral into rage-fueled vigilanteism which will no doubt take place once his badge, nightstick, pepperspray, and other tools of the trade are taken from him.

Until then, we present the Platonic Ideal of a Rageaholic.

Spastic Avenger - 2009-05-03

like a Douchebag version of the Punisher?

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2009-04-06

this is what happens when you give a dude with self esteem issues a tiny little car and give him a pointless task to do day in, day out

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