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Comment count is 7
Magical Man from Happy-Land - 2008-03-20

was there supposed to be something funny in this clip?

ZawBanjito - 2008-03-20

"Shut up and smash shit."

Feyd - 2008-03-20

I dunno. Something like "there are some assholes. Gallagher gets preachy, isn't wrong, but still."

Lurchi - 2008-03-20

never funny=never funny

kiint - 2008-03-20

how many anti-stars in the anti-matter universe for gallagher

BHWW - 2008-03-20

Ok, who reanimated David Crosby's shrivelled corpse and let it try to do comedy onstag- oh wait it's Gallagher.

Frank Rizzo - 2008-03-22

5 stars for a "comedian" not taking a drunk cunts shit

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